For thousands of years, temple prostitutes have been a part of ritual worship to a variety of deities. It appears that the latest of these to come to light are the young ladies at the YFZ compound near Eldarado Texas.
Based on media reports, which must be taken with several grains of salt, these young ladies were involuntarily married off at very young ages. Many may have been treated as what we will call temple prostitutes.
The purpose of government is to promote good and thwart evil (which definition itself is problematic for some in society, as they refuse to embrace absolutes). The current challenge appears to be to confirm the identity and story of the teen who called the hotline, as well as to confirm that physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse did occur.
How can those who have been given the authority of the state confirm these details, and handle a situation of this magnitude, without interfering with the personal freedoms that our country embraces? Even more important, how can the authorities do what they need to do, without infringing on a parent's responsibility to raise his or her children?
The state of California, as intrepreted through its court system, would have us believe that the state's right to educate its citizens trumps a parent's right to educate their children. This is first class, industrial strength, unadulterated horse feathers.
Most likely, the answer for the authorities in Texas is to remember that the state is not the end all and be all, but rather an agent for good.
More later...
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