Thursday, May 8, 2008

Going Green

Well, it looks as if the whole world is going green. Overall, a very commendable idea. After all, we have been given the responsibility of being stewards of our physical world - "rule over" is one phrase that is used.

This focus on maximizing our utilization and minimizing damage to the physical world is the right direction. These actions are consistent with the call to stewardship.

I've heard some rumblings that man is an intruder on planet earth, or that there is no distinction between man, animal, or plant life. Such thinking doesn't surprise me, since very few folks seem to have much grounding in the distinction between man and the rest of the world.

Facts are, man is not an intruder, and there are enormous differences between man, and the rest of the physcial universe. Man was created in the image of God - not a physical image, but in His image, nonetheless.

Man was given the physical world for his enjoyment and use, with the charge to be fruitful and multiply. The additional charge was to care for the rest of God's creation. This second charge is the basis for stewardship.

This foolishness about overpopulation is nothing but heresy, and needs to be called such. This idea that man exists on the same plane as animals or plants is a sister foolishness, foisted on young people by those who would shake their fist in the face of God.

Each person, from the moment of inception, has incalculable value, simply because they are created in the image of God. Our highest and best life is to be a reflection of the glory of God.

Let us enjoy all creation, as it has been given us to enjoy. Let us appreciate the children and grandchildren that follow us, and continue to teach them well. Let us continue to care for all that we were given by our Creator to care for, and strive to live a life that reflects His glory.

Until next time...

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