The strength of America lies in four principles, namely:
1. A small federal government
2. Personal responsibility
3. A culture of life
4. Fiscal responsibility
These four principles, built around the pillars of economic opportunity, religious liberty, and political freedom, have made America the leader of the world, and the envy of most of the world.
Where are we today? In the last twelve to eighteen months, we have watched as those who were given the option of self government threw off the restraints that came with this responsibility, destroyed trillions of dollars of customer and shareholder wealth, gave themselves bonuses to secure their future, and then had the absolute gall to show up in our nation's capitol asking for a handout. With no shame, no integrity, no regret. What happened to personal honor, courage, commitment, duty, perseverance, others above self?
Our congressional leaders, if they can be called that, willingly sold our grandchildren under the guise of saving large employers, when in reality they were attempting to lock in the votes of the employees, and secure future campaign funding. Their behaviour is no surprise. We have long had the best politicians money can buy.
The Detroit auto show was just that. All the posturing, the penitence on the part of the CEO's, was merely grandstanding for the benefit of the electorate.
We now have a $10 trillion national debt and growing, what appears to be a $1 to $2 trillion deficit for each of the next couple of years, elected officials across the political sprectrum with jelly for backbones, and a voting populace who has willingly traded freedom for the vague promises of change and security. Churchill was right. He who would trade freedom for security will have neither.
What does the future look like?
1. National health care within the next five years. This means that if you want meaningful, top quality health care, get out your checkbook. If the system our federales put in place doesn't allow a private pay system, be ready to explore medical tourism, and see Asia in the process.
1. National auto industry. This will be reminiscent of Ladas and Volgas, until the entire industry is shut down. This only after Washington invests $100 billion or more.
2. National banking system. The downside is that the federales could nationalize your money. The question then becomes where do you hold financial assets in a way that provides some personal security?
4. Higher personal income taxes. The tax rate will drop to zero for those with less than $50,000 of income. It will increase steadily and quickly, reaching top rates of 90%, with most households above the $50,000 threshold paying 60% or more of their income in taxes to support the system. There will tax credits for those earning $30,000 or less, giving them a standard of living equal to those earning $100,000 annually.
5. Devaluation of the dollar due to inflation caused by the uncontrolled printing of money.
Is there hope in any of this? Yes, there is. It will take real leaders, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the idea that is America. Can this happen? Absolutely. Who will answer the call?
Until next time...
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