Saturday, February 7, 2009


Miss Nadya Suleman has apparently given birth to eight, or octuplets. According to news reports, she is single and has six children. Reactions to the news have been all over the place.

Here's a thought. The last time I checked, America was still a free country. Of course, this may well change once Comrades Pelosi, Reid, Obama, and Soros finish their handiwork.

If Miss Nadya wants to have 14 children, or 24 children, or whatever, let her go for it. However, if Miss Nadya expects the city, state, or federal government to step in with benefits, whether food stamps, or free housing or education, or whatever kind of foolishness these mushy brained liberals can come up with, then the old girl needs to learn to keep a dime between her knees.

In fact, in the 21st century, there are fairly simple surgical procedures that can allow her to avoid getting pregnant, while still enjoying the God-designed process.

Some of these whiners, who have taken their outrage to an art form, have bought into the lie that one of our major problems in this world is overpopulation. This is absolutely not true. One of the major problems we do have is the amount of so-called free money misguided government types are prepared to throw at people who they deem to be disadvantaged, because so some sense of misplaced guilt, or because throwing other people's money is easier than actually caring.

What the whiners and those with fake outrage need to do is chill the hey out. What Miss Nadya needs to do is be sure she doesn't plan to lie sideways in the government trough, like so many inside the beltway enjoy doing. If diaper companies, or book and movie types want to support her or send her large checks, let them do it. That's the way a free market or capitalist economy works.

Whether Miss N ends up with nothing or large sums of money, she still has 14 children to get to adulthood. Her willingness and ability to do that will tell the tale of what the last 20 or 30 years of her life will look like.

Until next time...


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