Thursday, July 31, 2008


Until 1984, I had all four grandparents living, so I was well into my 20's when the first one passed. At that point, I was young, and totally focused on myself and my life. It never occurred to me that at some point, I would be the last generation standing.

Today, all four grandparents are gone. My parents are with us, but I see them aging. While my parents are in good health for being in their 70's, I watch as they slow down, and especially as their brothers and sisters age and pass.

It has occurred to me in the last couple of years that the time is not far away that I will be the oldest living generation. It's a different thought, as there has always been the sense of stability that comes from knowing that there is a generation ahead of you.

For many of us, the generations ahead of us provided an example to look to, in order to see how to live life, or how a marriage should work so it would last 60 or more years. By example, we were taught lessons about investing time in the succeeding generations, and how to give to others, regardless of the benefit to us.

Am I ready to step into that role?

Until next time...


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