Over the weekend, I got $20 cash back from a purchase at the grocery store. I still marvel at the convenience. It was 1977 when I saw my first ATM, and it's only been the last ten years that the cardswiper at every retailer has become common.
Would our world work, and if so how, if we used only technology that was available in the 50's, or the 60's, or the 70's? What habits would we need to change? How would our work be different? What about communication?
It was definitely a different world. But the good old days? Well, perhaps for those unprepared for change. Most technology changes over the last thirty years have been improvements. LP's gave way to eight tracks, then cassettes, then CD's, then downloads. How sweet is that?
Communication went from letters to party lines to private lines to mobile phones to cells. In the not too distant future, we will be able to, if we choose, have a very small receiver implanted underneath our skin, and be able to communicate at will, on a handsfree basis.
What would be different in our world without our current technology? What will our world look like in the next ten years with developing technology?
You are welcome to share a thought.
Until next time...
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