Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Name

Meeting people is interesting. The trend in most casual settings seems to be first name only. The folks I've met this way all seem as nice as they can be, as well as courteous, well meaning, and fairly together.

What happened to our last name? Mine is Brunson, and I'm proud of it. Haven't always taken such good care of it, but time and good decisions can bring restoration to a name.

Not sure where the trend toward first names only came from, or if it's unique to certain geographic or age groups. Haven't really given the matter any substantial study. It also doesn't seem to matter if it's a restaurant, ballgame, or church, folks seem to ignore their last name.

In a business setting, when someone is calling on us, or identifying themselves as a potential client or employee, last names are common. They should be.

Is the first name thing a function of too many nights out? Are we as a society embarrassed by or ashamed of our last name? For many, it's the only thing of value that could be passed to the next generation. Have we begun to believe that we as humans are just one more species, on a plane with the animals, and that personal identification doesn't matter?

Personally, I still prefer to do business with those who have a name, and who value it enough to take care of it. A wise man said one time that a good name is better than great riches. Have we lost our way to the extent that we believe the name has no value?

I'd enjoy hearing your input, as I try to figure this out.

Until next time...

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